"Curated Art Set" is a carefully curated collection of artworks selected by a professional gallerist, based on their experience and artistic vision. Each piece is chosen to offer a unique and high-quality art experience, providing an opportunity to explore various styles and artists in a specially curated selection.
Lot Nr. 24 Currated Art Set: Collection of works by Edgars Vinters
Edgars Vinters "Road in Autumn", 1999, cardboard/oil, 67 x 87cm. "Forest Trail", 07/16/2001, cardboard / oil, 50 x 70cm."Yellow Meadow", 2000, cardboard / oil, 65.5 x 88cm
"Curated Art Set" is a carefully curated collection of artworks selected by a professional gallerist, based on their experience and artistic vision. Each piece is chosen to offer a unique and high-quality art experience, providing an opportunity to explore various styles and artists in a specially curated selection.